Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Vice Presidential Debate

While watching the vice-presidential debate this evening, I had a thought that I would like to flesh-out. This thought came about as I was listening to Palin and Biden talk about the role and duties of the office of vice-president.
Biden spoke about how he would help Obama out with decisions and give Obama his best advice - that he would sit next to him and provide support. Palin spoke about how she would use her opportunity to increase the power of the vice president in the senate.
Why did each presidential candidate choose their running mate? After listening to each running mate this evening, I was able to infer (with a grain of salt) the answer to this question.
McCain chose Palin for political reasons. She is a woman (no duh, right?) and she is young and energetic. She is the perfect compliment to McCain to make him look better during the campaign race.
Obama chose Biden, in part, for these same reasons. However, I think that Obama had his presidency more in mind. Biden will be able to provide him with tremendous advice because, as Biden said tonight, he will not be afraid to speak his mind. He will provide honest and good advice to Obama.
To me, this strengthens my opinion that the Obama group is more sincere, honest, and forward thinking. Did I see this because of my opinion? Perhaps. However, this debate only strengthened my lean toward Barak Obama for president of the United States.

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