Thursday, September 18, 2008


We often hear that everyone has at least one gift.

I just saw "Good Will Hunting" for the first time. It was finally on television at a time when I could watch it (i.e. I could finally watch an edited version). What a movie! It did not have the raw impact that A Beautiful Mind, Contact, or Braveheart had on me but it had a certain effect on me.

Every single person I have ever met on this planet has some great and, to me, obvious gift. This does not include small or passing trivial talents (ex. the ability to shoot a water bottle cap twenty feet) but rather lasting and impactful abilities. I have discovered more often than I would expect that the recipients of these gifts are not even aware of them.

So, the point: In light of a message of Good Will Hunting (that those with great gifts should share and apply those gifts simply because others cannot), I would like to encourage whoever may read this to (1) discover a great gift you have and (2) use it for good. If you are not aware of any great gifts, ponder deeply and focusedly on you, what you do, and what effects you have. If you need more help, ask an intelligent, loyal, and caring friend. I have also found prayer to be a great way to discover the self. Our Father in Heaven loves to show us what we do good if we promise to use it for good.

Oh, and don't work for the NSA. :o)

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