I've just discovered that I can e-mail posts onto my blog from my cell phone! This will allow me to do more blogging than I otherwise would have done. The posts will not be able to be especially long because it takes longer to enter text using a cell phone but they should be interesting as they will be created "on location."
In one of my next entries, I will do a brief sketch of who I am. While I am no unusually special person, I do think my life is somewhat interesting and filled with many unique experiences. However, this blog is presently a way for me to express myself through the written word. I do keep two written journals - a personal journal (pertaining to experiences and events) and a study journal (pertaining to my study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and other scriptural things). This blog will be my way to write about issues and topics which I feel are important. These might include current events, politics, science, philosophies, school, and other random outbursts ad nauseum.
My hope in the Reader is that they will enjoy reading the posts and that those
posts will provide a seed to pondering. If there is one message I have to the world, it is that we must increase the amount of pondering we participate in. Pondering brings fuller understanding, stronger mental self-control, and greater recall ability. Therefore: ponder, Reader, and do it often and with focus. Think about things instead of only reacting to them. Examine yourself, others, ideas, and beliefs. Agree with something only after you have considered and accepted it. Otherwise life will become an unchanging string of actions based on prejudices gained in earlier years.
In one of my next entries, I will do a brief sketch of who I am. While I am no unusually special person, I do think my life is somewhat interesting and filled with many unique experiences. However, this blog is presently a way for me to express myself through the written word. I do keep two written journals - a personal journal (pertaining to experiences and events) and a study journal (pertaining to my study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and other scriptural things). This blog will be my way to write about issues and topics which I feel are important. These might include current events, politics, science, philosophies, school, and other random outbursts ad nauseum.
My hope in the Reader is that they will enjoy reading the posts and that those

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