Thursday, August 28, 2008

Barama and Joeden

I think Joe Biden will be a good running mate for Barak Obama. That is not because I entirely agree with Biden or his policies (I have not even done the research yet) but I do know that Biden knows his stuff when it comes to foreign relations and, even though Obama was part of the foreign relations committee, he could certainly use some help in the world, especially now.

Biden compliments Obama's style as well, it seems. I do like the fact that he seems to be willing to state issues bluntly.

Politics is interesting. There is no perfect candidate. For example, I disagree with Barak Obama on several points. However, of every candidate out there, I agree with him the most on some of the most crucial issues for me. He and I agree much more than we disagree, it seems. As a result, he will get my vote (unless he changes position on something outright).

I have heard of people that do not vote because they disagree with all the candidates in some way or another. To me, that is just silly. Unless you run for president yourself, you will always have some disagreement with every candidate. Vote for he or she who you think would run the executive branch of the USA better than anyone else.

...and don't get me started about those who vote solely based on party affiliation...

(Just as a side note:

According to the 2008 Presidential Candidate Selector on Select Smart, Obama is the best candidate for me at 76% compatible and Joe Biden is 63% compatible.

Give that quiz a try - it of course is not perfect or absolute but it is fun and interesting.)

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